米老鼠Mickey Mouse_350字相关作文:米老鼠Mickey Mouse_350字范文内容如下:   Mickey Mouse is the memory of my childhood. I like to watch cartoon so much when I was in primary school, Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character. He is so cute and funny, the things he does will make me laugh happily. I will never forget his voice, even though I grow up. Mickey Mouse is like my friend and accompanies me all the time.   米老鼠是我的童年回忆。在我上小学的时候,非常喜欢看卡通片,米老鼠是我最喜欢的卡通人物。他很可爱,也很风趣,他所做的事情会让我开怀大笑。我永远不忘不了他的声音,即使我长大。米老鼠就像是我的朋友,一直陪伴着我。 米老鼠Mickey Mouse_350字内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归米老鼠Mickey Mouse_350字原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理